'The 29 - year old singer made the extraordinary move in order to higlight the pressure exerted on women to look perfect.' -We all know images are used through out the media to sell an idea of perfection that people can then buy in to, in hope that they to can be just as perfect as the person in the photograph. Though to me the images Britney released don't seem to expose to much of a flaw on the woman. I would say the statement she was trying to make was one of ' look at me I don't need to be airbrushed I'm a fine figure of a female without all this retouching,' in response to the negative press coverage on her image over the few years. Rather than it being a way to highlight the pressue put on woman to look perfect.
The original photographs although with some flaws inact such as brusing to Britneys legs and a sligher wider waste line, still show a figure that is admirable and a very unrealistic representation of the average females figure. The images she has released don't address the point of a how manipulative the media can be through the use of technology; to a satistifcatory enough extent. Her photographs in now way show the extreme and vast way a image can be altered in order to achieve the unreachable perfection, that people are being sold.
Now when I heard about what she had done I expected something quite drastic in the case of re touching before and after. So I've done a little expermentating of my own and produced a different version of the images using Photoshop that I would have thought to have had much more of an impact if the idea really was to 'highlight the pressure put on women to look perfect.'
Now this would have been a real 'statement.' She still looks good, still has a slim yet curvy figure but just with a little more meat on her bones. A much more realistic image of a womans body for females to 'aspire towards,' or see the next time they open a magazine or on a lingerie or bathing suite ad. Becuase after all Britney's only 8st stone, so really how bad could she possibly look before airbrushing...?
<3 it!